We provide a warranty on everything we produce. If you are not satisfied with any of our products at the time of delivery, or if a product does not function satisfactorily, please return it to MukaCariza for an exchange or refund.
Environmental costs return shippingg
We want you to be happy with your MukaCariza purchase, so if you're not happy we offer to help with the return. However, we do not support or encourage the practice of making inconsiderate purchases with the intention of returning. We ask that you remember that the return process involves environmental costs on our planet. Please note that all packaging returned with your order must be recycled or discarded.
Returned products must be dry cleaned and/or ironed with chemicals, water and energy upon receipt. The transport of your return products requires additional unnecessary CO2 emissions.
Good news! MukaCariza has completely switched to 100% biodegradable shipping boxes. Ultimately, we want to completely eliminate the use of plastic in production and distribution for MukaCariza. We have more to do to achieve this goal, but we have made a start.
Our thank you cards and labels are made from 100% recycled cardboard. Every package we ship contains only biodegradable, reusable, recyclable and of course portable content.